You have found the best ad network for publishers

Over 150,00+ Publishers in all over the world

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Why Choose Us

Custom Engaging Rich Media Ad Formats
Ready-to-Use Templates


More revenue Generated

Capture up to 15X more attention with highly engaging, dynamic and interactive ads made by our team or our innovative ready-to-use templates or custom creatives.

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What we do

Publisher solutions

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Multiple Ad Formats

Make more money with our vast variety of web and mobile ad formats: Popunder, Native Banners, Banners, Social Bar and Direct Link.

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Self-Serve Platform

We completely automated every process so that you have the opportunity to understand everything intuitively.

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Partner Care

In addition to the 24/7 multilingual online chat, we will analyze your specific case and help you choose the most effective ad format and/or settings.

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Performance Boost

Our Team use reliable third-party fraud detection systems, as well as a proper human check, and provides you with the safest experience possible.

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Team members

Meet our professional & Expert Team Members

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Meet Professional

Pooja Goyal

Publisher Manager

Shakshi Thakur

Account Manager

Tarun Goyal

SEO Strategist
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Question & Answer

Need Quick Support?

ADX stands for Google Ad Exchange, which is a programmatic advertising marketplace where publishers can sell their ad inventory to advertisers. It provides a platform for buying and selling display advertising space in real-time.

ProductArt is a fictional company used in this context. It represents any online platform or website where you may have digital advertising space that you want to monetize through ADX.
ProductArt stands out due to its commitment to client success and innovation. We blend cutting-edge technologies with creative marketing strategies to deliver comprehensive solutions. Our team of experts is dedicated to staying ahead of industry trends, ensuring that our clients receive services that are not only effective today but also future-proof for tomorrow's challenges.

To get ADX for your advertising space, follow these steps:
Google Ad Manager Account: Ensure that you have a Google Ad Manager account. If not, create one on the Google Ad Manager website.

Meet Eligibility Requirements:
Make sure your website or app meets the eligibility requirements set by Google Ad Exchange. Google has specific criteria, and your content must comply with their policies.
Quality Content:
Provide high-quality content on your platform. Advertisers are more likely to bid on ad space on websites with engaging and relevant content.
Ad Placement and Format:
Optimize your ad placements and formats. Consider ad units that are in demand by advertisers and strategically place them for maximum visibility.
AdX Approval:
Apply for Google Ad Exchange through your Google Ad Manager account. Google will review your application, and if your platform meets the criteria, you'll be granted access to AdX.
AdX Integration:
Integrate Google Ad Exchange with your Google Ad Manager account. Follow the provided instructions to set up the integration and configure your ad units.
Set Floor Prices:
Establish floor prices for your ad inventory. This is the minimum price you're willing to accept for ad space. Setting competitive and realistic floor prices can attract more advertisers.
Monitor Performance:
Regularly monitor the performance of your ad units. Use the insights provided by Google Ad Manager to optimize your strategy and maximize revenue.

The approval process duration can vary, but it typically takes a few days to a couple of weeks. Google will review your application, ensuring that your website or app complies with their policies and guidelines.

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